Cover Issue 1 Mock Up

19 Oct

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Almost completed 

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19 Oct


K. R. Morrison author of “Be Not Afraid”


What would you like everyone to know about you?

My book is inspired by my faith, not by any fascination with the creatures of the darkness.  In truth, the very idea of vampires petrifies me.  I can’t even re-read my own book!!

What would you like for everyone to know about your book “Be Not Afraid”?

Above all else, the vampires in my book do not sparkle.  They do not have angst.  They are demons, through and through.  And they are…horrifying.

What genre does “Be Not Afraid” fall under?

This book is really a hybrid.  I would call it paranormal suspense/horror, but it has a lot in it that would be considered “inspirational” as well.

How did you come up with the idea for your book?

I’ll bet you won’t get this answer too often:  This creation was spawned from a nightmare I had one night in April of 2010.  I dreamed I was being attacked by a vampire.  Yeesh—it still makes me squirm.  All of my senses were engaged; I could feel everything.  The weirdest sensation was feeling my veins collapse from the blood being drained from them.  Very painful.  When I woke up, although I was totally wide awake, my thoughts segued into what could be thought of as Part 2, and from there the story grew.  My mind was never without it for three weeks; every time the story came to an end, it would start over, adding more and more detail.  Finally I had to write it down.  As I did, those parts on paper went away from inside my head.

How often do you write and normally what is the setting like?

I write in the evenings usually, because I enjoy being outside or doing some sort of physical activity when it’s daylight.  I find it very hard to sit for long periods of time.  As I look around my “setting”, I have to laugh.  For someone who likes things tidy, this area is certainly a departure from normal.  I have my laptop and my manuscript (which I write out first before typing it in) on the dining room table, along with several quilt projects, a small ironing board, DVDs of “Dark Shadows” (both the new movie and the TV series), and sometimes my cat.

Your book is a good versus evil and how do you react day today with this?

There is a lot of evil out there, disguised as “good” or at the very least “harmless”.  We won’t see the forces of darkness for what they are, because they don’t want to show their true colors until they have their victims.  Faith is what helps us discern true good from evil, and keeps us safe through any turmoil as long as we follow the good.

If you were to have lunch with one of your characters from your book which would it be and why?

Saint Therese.  She is my patron saint, and I have always admired how she lived her life.  It is so simple and direct.  I would love to have her by my side to guide me.

How do you think the conversation would go?

I think we’d get along pretty well, although  I would probably embarrass her somewhat.  She was such a quiet, unassuming girl, and I’m, uh, not.  She’d be trying to get me to quiet down, and I would for a bit, but then I’d be “me” again.

Will there be a follow up to “Be Not Afraid”?

I have a prequel/sequel that I’m working on, entitled “Resurgence: The Rise of Judas”.  It already dwarfs the first book, with 655 handwritten pages so far.  In it, we start out in the time of Adam and Eve, hop to the end of the Gospels, then it’s off to 14th-century Carpathia, 17th-century Scotland, 19th-century New Orleans, and then to the present time.  The book takes in the characters of the first story and moves on to their next skirmish with the darkness.  It’s almost done….I think.

So what else is in the future for you?

I’m hoping to write a third book to round out the series. I hadn’t originally planned a third one, but the characters in my present manuscript had a meeting without inviting me, and they decided that little Toby would have some interesting powers that would lead into the final battle.  And I’ve discovered that short stories are a lot of fun to write, so will keep up with that.  I’ve met a lot of fellow writers on Facebook, and I hope to be able to stay in contact with them.

What author, alive or dead, would you like to collaborate on a book with?

I have always loved Robert Louis Stevenson’s work.  It would be terrific to write with him.

What would you like it to be about?

An adventure story, probably suited for kids.  I loved Stevenson’s poetry for children, and it would be great fun to write something like that. 

Friend K.R. Morrison


12 Oct


Suzy Milhoan author of “The Healing Game”


What would you like everyone to know about you?

I have been through a lot of tragedy over my lifetime, but I have not given up. I am a survivor and nothing will keep me down. I hope that what I have learned through it can help others who are struggling through the same things. That is the focus of several of my books as I just began my writing career.

What would you like for everyone to know about your book?

It is an inspirational story for others who have lost someone. It displays the progress of my grief from deep depression through my decision to move on and finally becoming happy again. It gives hope to others that if I could come out of what I did, so can they.

What genre does “The Healing Game” fall under?

 It is a memoir that falls under the autobiography genre.

How did you come up with the idea for your book?

I was in school and had to write a creative non-fiction piece and decided to use the subject of losing my husband from colon cancer. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to take myself back into that deep subject, but thought it would help me heal even further, so I did. It was a great piece and did help me further. Later, I decided I would write a book on it to help others who are dealing with a loss and also as a tribute to my husband, Kevin. The responses I have received from the book prove I was successful in doing both.

How often do you write and normally what is the setting like ?

I try to write everyday, but with my schedule that is sometimes hard. My schedule is setup to write a few hours in the morning and a few in the afternoon. With that, I also have time scheduled for reading. I believe reading books in your genre are just as important to learn from others.

As you know, Hotlit Books’ goal is to help authors, so what advice do you offer?

Read just as much as you write. Read successful writers in your genre. Not only will you learn tips from their writing style, but also ideas will pop into your head based on what you read.


What past or present author would you like to collaborate on a book and why?

My favorite author is Jodi Picoult. I would love to collaborate with her. I am amazed how she is able to write in multiple voices throughout a book, and then bring them all back together to a successful ending.

Will there be a follow up to “The Healing Game”? 

No, It was a one-time deal.

I read that you are working on “Where’s My Family” are you willing to give us some insight of what it is going to be about?

Sure. This is at the printers right now. It is about a family of rabbits that live under a deck in a burrow. The main character, Johnnie, is a rebel and doesn’t like to listen too well. He ignores what his mother tells him and gets into some trouble. Soon after, the family is trying to find him and they begin to disappear as well. Eventually, they are all reunited as a family in the end.

So what else is in the future for you?

I believe my path for now will be in stories that can help others and children’s books. My passion is to help others through the tragedy I have gone through in my life and also bring joy to children. I may do a series on the bunny family in “Where’s My Family” and I am deciding on which major project to do next right now.

I have always wanted to write about my childhood growing up with domestic violence and also child abuse. My hope is to write about it from the child’s voice so that mother’s could find the extra strength it takes to get out of the situation.

At some point, I believe I will write about my brother, Mike, who suffered from bi-polar and ended his life in suicide. Again, hoping to educate others on bi-polar and the importance for remaining on medication even when the patient feels fine.         

I have read Blindfolded and so sorry for your loss and it is great that you shared it.  How are you coping with it now?

What I have learned through the grieving process I suffered when I lost my husband has helped me cope with losing my brother. I am also able to help my mother. I now recognize the stages she is going through and I am able to talk intelligently to her about how she is feeling. Her greatest compliment to me one day after one of our long talks was when she said, “You just made my day.”

We just made it through my brother’s birthday on September 30th. He would have been 49. We gathered, as a family, at my mother’s to help her keep her mind of it. The 2-year anniversary of his death is October 26th, and I’m sure that will be another tough day.

Friend Suzy!

Feature Friday with Author of Amy “Red” Riding’s Hood -Liz Adams.

28 Sep

Feature Friday with Author of Amy “Red” Riding’s Hood -Liz Adams.



Tell us about yourself?

Liz Adams

I was born a Chihuahua with a love for chasing other dogs in parks and playing chess and scrabble. Or else that was a dream I had last night. Whichever it is, I know that I discovered my passion for writing erotica in my late teens so I got a minor in Creative Writing along with my major in Music. Or I’m just a super-talented Chihuahua.

Tell us about your book?

My first book is a novella, an erotic version of Alice in Wonderland called Alice’s Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful Land. I’m pleased with how it turned out. Especially since it was a much more challenging task than I had anticipated. It’s hard to care about the characters if they only appear briefly and there’s no time to build a relationship with them. Yet that’s exactly what happens. In Alice in Wonderland, Alice goes from character to character without time to fully appreciate all the goals, motivations, and conflicts each character has. Trying to make the interactions between Alice and those she meets meaningful was very hard to do. But the book’s been getting four and five star reviews, so I couldn’t be happier. In fact, Amazon has paid the recording fees to turn it into an audio book! It should be up on very soon now.



My favorite question that is mostly consistent is do you have to have it quiet or noisy when you are working on your story?

I prefer it noisy, like a café, but writing erotica in a café is not easy. Passers-by might look over my shoulder, for one thing. Which I suppose could lead to some interesting conversations. For another thing, I usually like to have one hand free when I’m writing erotica. In a café, I have to force myself to use both hands typing and I end up squirming in my seat.

What do you think has been the best thing to occur to you after starting to write for others to read?

I recently wrote a touchy blog post that briefly mentioned “rape fantasies” (and how actual rape is completely different from fantasies of non-consensual sex). Though I did get some heated responses from that post, a woman privately thanked me for writing it. She, herself, had fantasies of non-consensual sex and was ashamed for having such thoughts. Knowing it was a normal fantasy to have made her feel better about it. Anytime I can make someone feel better about their sexuality via is a treasure to me.

What book do you think has offered the most influence in your writing?

That’s a tough one. I hate to say it but I feel I learn most from bad writing. When I read bad writing, I ask myself “Why didn’t that work for me?” Answering that question has helped improve my writing tremendously.

If you were to be a character in your book, but not as a lead character, who would you like to be and why? I’d like to be the Cheshire Cat. Like us, he knows what happened in the past, and doesn’t know what will happen in the future. Unlike us, he travels backwards in time. He figures, since hindsight is 20-20, why not travel backwards in time and do everything perfectly.

If one of your books could be turned into a movie which would you prefer it to be and why?

I only have three stories out. The novella Alice’s Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful Land, a short erotic romance story called Amy “Red” Riding’s Hood (an erotic version of Red Riding Hood), and a short story about the most wild sexual experience I had in college called “Squirting Secrets” in the anthology  Campus Sexploits 3:Naughty Tales of Wild Girls in College. Though Amy “Red” Riding’s Hood got voted to be “Book of the Month” for a Goodreads group, I’d have to go with Alice as a movie. I’d love to see that steamy Mad Hatter scene performed in all its wet tea party glory!

Okay so if everyone in the book’s clothes were only one color what color would that be?

The same color as orgasm.

So here is one for you, what book would you like a poster on your wall and what would it show?

I’d love a poster of the cover for Amy “Red” Riding’s Hood. To me it’s sexy as all hell. You can see it here:

Why did you pick this genre to write and what genres do you like to read?

Actually, I have written in the horror genre before. But I love writing erotica. It’s the only genre where you get to have so much fun editing your book over and over and…yum…over again. I read erotica, of course, but I also like to read thrillers and mysteries.

What are you working on now?

I’m working on a few things. One is an erotic version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. I’m really excited by this one because in it, Goldie is a thief with the capability of self-defense. So when the three bearish men return, she uses more than just her seductive ways to wiggle in and out of their grasp. I’m also working on a quickie. A short short based off of a fantasy I had at the airport. I’m really loving writing this one, too, because it’s the first time I will have written a story completely from a male perspective. The airport fantasy will attempt to conquer the question of why being dominated by a man is so sexy.

Any tips to other authors on writing?

Just write. Don’t worry about how good or how bad it is. Finish what you’re writing and let the amazing beta-readers (like Xavier) guide you on how to fix it. Also, if you get bored writing a scene, introduce something that would make the scene more interesting for you. If you’re bored writing it, the reader will be bored reading it. If you are super-excited writing it, you’re going in the right direction.


Links to the Books:

Campus Sexploits 3: Naughty Tales of Wild Girls in College


Amy Red Riding’s Hood

Alice’s Sexual Discovery in a Wonderful Land

To be a FEATURE FRIDAY author contact


Who am I Wednesday with Jacqueline Driggers.

26 Sep

Who am I Wednesday with Jacqueline Driggers.

Editing Services by Jacqueline Driggers.


A great author resource, Jacqueline Driggers is providing editing services to all authors. Contact her today for all your editing needs. Let her know that Hotlit Books referred you! Thanks.

So with my first question is Who Am I – Jacqueline Driggers?

I’m a girl from a  small town in Kentucky, with a population of about 3000-5000, who has always loved books; and later on developed a love for writing.  It’s how I express myself best, in writing.  Writing has been with me throughout my life, from high school on up.  I’m a business college graduate with work experience as a legal secretary and a bookkeeper.  And now, at the age of 51, I have started my first fictional novel.  I am also starting into doing freelance editing work as well, plus I do book reviews.  And I am in the process of putting together a cookbook, which will hopefully be out by Christmas.

What would you like people to know about you?

Some of the things that make up me:  a homemaker and wife, a writer, an amateur photographer, love reading books, love the internet and facebook, have a 2nd degree brown belt in tae kwon do and a blue belt in shotokan karate, had a father who built black-powder rifles as a hobby and who taught me how to shoot, had a mother who taught me about being a homemaker and who pushed me to get my driver’s license.  But most importantly I would like them to know about what I am doing now in my writing, and editing, and book review endeavors.

What made you want to start JD’s Place?

When I graduated from high school, I wanted to be a professional writer, and for that to be my career.  But back in 1979, things were very different than they are now.  Home or personal computers were in their infancy.  The internet was non-existent pretty much.  And becoming a writer involved a college degree, and a lot of luck with a writing job.  So after two years at home, I headed off to business college, and a more practical career choice.  But now, with the internet and facebook and everything, I am pursuing my  high school writing dreams.


Even though JD’s Place is still in its infancy, where do you want to take this being that you are a writer also?

Right now, it is just a facebook page, but I would like it to become a website as well.  And I would like it to become the hub for all my writing, editing, and review projects.

Everybody knows the 5 year question so where would you like Jacqueline Driggers to be in 5 years?

An established author who has fans eagerly awaiting her next book.  A career as a respected editor.  A book reviewer who has authors lining up to get me to review their latest book.

As many people are not aware that you are offering this, how much time will you be able to devote to it?

All my time.  I am at a point in my life where all my time is my own, and every day is devoted to this.  I don’t have a ‘day job’ that takes hours out of my day.  Nor do I have children either.  This has been my dream since high school, and now I am chasing it in earnest.

Do you find it hard to balance everything?

No, I don’t.  I’ve always been good at organizing, and I have only gotten better at it through the years.  I take full advantage of my computer and use it in the organizational techniques I have developed through the years.  And my desk may look like a mess to some, but it is my organized mess.   As the old saying goes, there is a method to my madness.

Tell everyone what book you have just released and what will be your next one?

Well, I haven’t released one yet.  But I hope to before the year is up.  I am working on getting a cookbook published of my mother’s recipes that she had collected.  It will be called Kitchen Drawer Recipes No. 1, and I am working on that now.  Plus I am working on my first fictional novel, which I hope to have completed sometime next year.

At Hotlit Books, we do not do a preference, but know that there are some controversial books Do you do all genres?  Is there some subjects that you will not do?

Yes, I do all genres.  For every book written, there is a reader out there who will love it.  And I will edit and review all genres.  Even the controversial books need an editor.  As I recently told someone, I’m not a wilting violet.

What genre do you prefer to read?

My favorites are science fiction, mysteries, and romance.

What genre do you prefer to write and yes, I do want to mention that you do have a cookbook coming out?

In non-fiction, I prefer to write about recipes and cooking and food.  It comes from where I grew up.  Here in Kentucky, almost everything we do involves food; even funerals.  We love food, and revel in it.  As for fiction, I prefer to write science fiction.  I love that I can take stories that would fit in a mystery or romance novel, and set them out in the cosmos somewhere, and just make everything up.  The kind of fictional novels I am writing involve very little research and lots of imagination, which I have plenty of.  Besides the fictional novel I am writing, I have ideas for 23 other novels at this time.  Those are what I call story starts.  They consist of a word file of about 1-3 pages long, with the kernel of a story idea that I can easily pick up on later.

What do you feel will be the hardest thing to do for JD’s Place?

Getting started, getting known, and getting my name out there.  For example, I have great editing skills, and have a natural instinct for it.  My work experience plays into this, because I worked as a legal secretary for an attorney and then as a bookkeeper for 6 Dairy Queens during the 1980s.  Both these jobs required excellent proofreading and error-catching skills.  I have skills that I would put up against any professional editor.  Plus I have something that you can’t teach, and that is a natural gift for it.  But getting people to know this and to use me as an editor?  That is going to be the hardest thing.  Especially since that, right now, I have no money to spend on websites or advertising.  That just pushes me to get very creative.  And I’m good at creative.  I’ve have been throughout my life.

Is there anything you would like to add?

Yes, thanks.

If anyone is interested in contacting me about editing, they can reach me via my author’s page on facebook:

JD’s place, & other stuff

And here are some more of my links:


My food and cooking blog, page, and twitter:

Recipes, cooking, and food

— facebook page —

— blog —


— twitter account —!/Rcandfood


My about the home blog, page, and twitter:

J’s Home-time Zone

— facebook page —

— blog —

— twitter account —!/JsHometimeZone


My leisure time blog, page, and twitter:

JD’s Leisure Zone

covering ebooks, movies, games, apps, and more

— facebook page —

— blog —

— twitter account —!/Jsaandgr

Contact Hotlit Books @




Feature Friday with author of One Petal Flower, Kristi Ayers.

21 Sep

Feature Friday with author of One Petal Flower, Kristi Ayers.


What would you like everyone to know about you?

I was born in Texas and raised in Oklahoma.  I’m a wife, a mother of two, an NICU nurse on “indefinite vacation”, a paranormal investigator, and an avid daydreamer, which serves to help me create my stories.  When I’m not writing or being domestic, I’m reading YA novels and sometimes painting pictures of horses.  Now that it’s getting closer to Halloween, I’m decorating my house with the MANY decorations that I’ve accumulated over the years.  My kids might need therapy someday from all the monsters in the house.

What would you like for everyone to know about your book?

It took me four years to write One Petal Flower because of all the distractions in my life, but I never gave up on my dream of becoming published.  In my book, a few of the locations I used were based on actual haunted places that I investigated.

What genre does One Petal Flower fall under?

One Petal Flower is a young adult novel. 

How did you come up with the idea for your book?

I got the idea when I learned a high school classmate that I had had a crush on died suddenly at age 30.  He was the inspiration for the character Jonas.  The rest of the book formed around him as I added the elements of Native Americans and their customs, the holistic properties of gemstones, and the paranormal aspects of ghosts, werewolves, and revenants.

How often do you write and normally what is the setting like (I write with music in the background or some kind of noise and like and prefer to sit on the back deck with the sun shining)?

My setting isn’t romantic by any means, but I like it just the same.  I sit on the couch with jazz music playing (unless I want to listen to something specific), and I always have coffee beside me.  I write with paper and pen and then type it afterward.  I like to be able to write anywhere I go without having to drag a laptop with me.  And it actually helps me edit and revise if I do it like this.

Okay so if you were to have lunch with one of your characters who would it be?

I would want to have lunch with Chayton (my Native American character) because he is just my type of guy.  He’s mature, protective, musically inclined, knows how to use a hammer, and best of all, he’s forgiving.

How do you think the conversation would go?

I would probably pick his brain about Native American beliefs.  Their ancient stories hold such wisdom and advice!  They are connected to and have such respect for nature and animals.  They believe in many things that close-minded people wouldn’t even sit still long enough to hear.  And then I’d also hope Chayton could give me advice on how to communicate with ghosts, because unlike him, I can’t hold a conversation with them.

Alright now in my research, I found that you like to do paranormal research, so which show do you like best Ghost Hunters or Ghost Adventures?

I prefer Ghost Hunters.  They go in with the intent of helping the client.  No one should be scared to live in their own home or be at their place of work.  The investigators assess the situation, gather data as scientifically as possible, and present the findings with the client’s well-being in mind.  Of course, if they get great evidence they are thrilled.  We each have a story that led us to the paranormal, and those stories were just enough to create the passion for answers.

Since 2008 how many paranormal investigations have you performed?

Oh gosh, so many.  We go on Saturday nights, but occasionally a Friday night is needed.  We’ve been to many houses; old to new, small to large.  But, we also go to libraries, museums, places of business, theaters, hotels, schools, hospitals, and restaurants.

Any popular place or places?

The most popular place that Oklahoman’s will recognize is Spaghetti Warehouse (a restaurant in downtown Oklahoma City) and possibly the Poncan Theater in Ponca City, Oklahoma. 

Have you had your own paranormal experience?

My first paranormal experience was when I was 18.  It was after my grandmother died.  I saw an image of an arm handing me a blanket.  I had just gone to bed and had been crying.  I think it was trying to comfort me.  The other time was just a couple years ago when I saw an apparition of a head and shoulders peek around a staircase at me.  It evidently made a noise that the other paranormal investigator heard because I saw his head snap in that direction right after I saw the apparition.

Any tips to other authors on writing?

Whether the author is brand new or not, my advice is to just keep writing.  You are doing it for the passion of creating a story.  Your soul obviously has something to offer this world, so let it.  And know that no two people are alike, so not everyone will like your story.  That’s okay.  Because the people that do like it will make your day, your week, your life, with kind words that make the hard work all worth it in the end.

Will there be a follow up to One Petal Flower or are you writing a new story?  So what is in the future for you?

I had intended it to be just a single book.  Anything more seemed daunting.  But, I’ve decided that the story was not finished.  I’m working on a sequel, and it will be in Chayton’s point of view rather than Darian’s.  This will require me to delve even deeper into Native American customs and beliefs, which I’m so excited about doing.  I’m also working on a contemporary young adult novelthat I think people will really enjoy.  The characters are coming out so crystal clear that I feel I know them personally!

Like Kristi!


 If you would like to be part of the “Feature Friday” program contact

To Pay or not to Pay-Book Reviews.

18 Sep

The internet is full of them. I am sure that you have thought about it.Haven’t you ever wondered how some authors get those countless reviews in one day right after they have published their book? They have purchased reviews.

Well we have thought about this and where we stand is that this is just wrong.

Reviews should be earned! It is really that simple.

We understand that the market is difficult but how do you get the feeling of accomplishment with a paid review? The simple answer is-you don’t!

Reviews tell you something about your writing. Rather it be good or bad one way or the other it helps you as a writer grow. You cannot achieve this growth with a paid review.

Paid reviews do not give you any satisfaction from your peers. There is something to be said about knowing that your peers have purchased and reviewed your book. You do not receive this with a paid review. Your peers tell you what they are looking for from you as a writer. 

Although reviews of any type look good against your book, your conscious knows. Do you really just want sales? Wouldn’t you rather know that people enjoy your writing, your craft? You will not receive this either with a paid book review. 

Reviews are part of being a writer in fact they are necessary but receiving them dishonestly is not morally or ethically right. Part of being a writer is being honest with yourself and your readers. You make yourself vulnerable every time you sit down and write so do not waste your time and all that effort by deceiving your readers. 

Earn your reviews-you will feel extremely satisfied, accomplished. 

Writer BEWARE!!!

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Feature Friday with Author of Fancy Gap, C. David Gelly.

14 Sep

Feature Friday with author of Fancy Gap, C. David Gelly.

What would you like everyone to know about you?

Eternal optimist—lover of life—sets goals & gets them done! Ignores “you can’t do that because!”

What would you like for everyone to know about your book?

First but foremost it’s a work of fiction! First word hit the parchment last October 1, 2011.

How did you come up with the idea for your book?

The legendary fog (cloud deck) that settles in over Fancy Gap on a regular basis is mystical and the notion that a book could be crafted from that planted the seed.

How often do you get out into the woods, to just walk around and enjoy the mountain air. 

Run at noontime just about every day and ride my road bike on the Blue Ridge Parkway on weekends.

How have the folks of Fancy Gap and the surrounding area taken to this book?

Actually much better than I anticipated. The majority, especially the younger set sees it as a very exciting moment. Yet there are a few…but that is simply expected with any novel. I also have a Billboard on Highway 52 halfway between Fancy Gap & Hillsville. So the locals know all about it! 

How often do you write and normally what is the setting like (I write with music in the background or some kind of noise and like and prefer to sit on the back deck with the sun shining)?

When I write it usually is before breakfast. I knock out a 1,000 words at a time. I also write on long flights to Europe or Hawaii.

Which of your characters would you like to solve a mystery with?

Quinn & Louisa are the obvious answers. Yet Levi the Carroll County detective would be a hoot to work with.

Who would be the lead detective?

Levi Blackburn.

This is one of five novels, so how do you know that there will only be five?

Orchard Gap is the next Gap going down the Blue Ridge Parkway. This will be an agro-terrorism mystery/thriller.

Any tips to other authors on writing?

Listen…this isn’t easy. Any author must be committed to the project. Know your audience. Know what will keep them glued to your novel. Keep throwing out bait and reel them into the next chapter. Through in a surprise or two throughout the novel. In Fancy Gap the search was for the little girl. I included a dwarf into the mix. Readers loved it!

I wanted to finish my questions regarding your poem “The Clock of Life”, which of course, is not part of your book, but once I read it I enjoyed it.  Plus these are my questions, so I can deviate.

Do you think that a clock can be wound more than once, if you look at from the standpoint of either new found love or if in the sense of repair?

The clock of love can be wound more than once. The clock of life but once.

"The Clock of Life" 

The Clock of Life is wound but once 
And no man has the power 
To tell just when the hands will stop 
At late or early hour. 
Now is the only time we own 
Love, live, toil with will, 
Do not wait until tomorrow, 
For the Clock may then be still.


Much thanks!!! I have included an interview that was recently published.


Fog shrouds mountain in mystery

Fancy Gap’s mist inspired an author to set his thriller in the Carroll community.

By Christopher Brooke, Reporter

Friday, August 10, 2012 at 6:00 am (Updated: August 10, 6:00 am)

FANCY GAP  — David Gelly saw possibilities in the famous fog of Fancy Gap — as a shroud of mystery for the setting in his fictional murder thriller.
He’s often driven up U.S. 52 from Winston-Salem, N.C., to his getaway in the mountains, having to slash through fog where he couldn’t see two feet ahead.
Like many drivers who have ended up in the multi-vehicle pileups on Interstate 77 or those who struggled to stay out of accidents in the area, the weather made an impression on Gelly.
To write “Fancy Gap,” Gelly combined his experience as a corporate security supervisor with his love of writing and his interest in the local culture of the Blue Ridge Mountains to pen this tale of a loathsome crime.

“For travelers along the Blue Ridge Parkway at Fancy Gap, the fog often hangs like an azure dream over the rolling green hills,” the book’s blurb says. “But when a madman abducts two children and disappears into the wisps with the young brother and sister, the landscape becomes a nightmare for the children’s parents and local residents.”

“On the bucket list: I said one day I want to write this novel,” he explained.
Staples of Carroll County and Blue Ridge Mountain living appear in the piece, including the Devil’s Den Nature Preserve and the Hillsville Labor Day Gun Show and Flea Market, Buffalo Mountain, the Beaver Dam Trail and vintages from a well-known local winery.
“For travelers along the Blue Ridge Parkway at Fancy Gap, the fog often hangs like an azure dream over the rolling green hills,” the book’s blurb says. “But when a madman abducts two children and disappears into the wisps with the young brother and sister, the landscape becomes a nightmare for the children’s parents and local residents.”
The inspiration came to him in October to write this story. After that, Gelly got up at 4 a.m. each Saturday and sat in his chateau with its panoramic views through the bay windows of the Piedmont. He continues typing until there were 1,000 more words on the page.
“It was a great use of my time instead of going to the bar,” he joked.


While the places have their basis in fact, few characters in the book do, Gelly stressed. Any similarity to real people is a coincidence.
Quinn McSpain, the novel’s hero, is a 60-something widower, living like a hermit in his adopted mountain home and still mourning the loss of his spouse.
He meets workaholic FBI agent Louisa Hawke at a retirement party in Arlington, but the couple’s budding romance gets interrupted by a crime that horrifies the mountain community.
Gelly’s previous writing flowed in the non-fiction vein, as the author of many articles for the Twin City Track Club monthly newsletter.
Gelly has directed considerable energy over the years to his running, participating in 50 marathons. His outdoor activities continue, only now he’s hiking, biking and kayaking in the mountains.
Gelly provided security during his time in the U.S. Army, before going on to work for the IRS and then entering the private sector, including working for Sara Lee while it still manufactured clothing in Hillsville and Galax.
That meant he would travel here on occasion to talk about security matters. “I always thought Carroll County was a pretty place.”
No case he investigated in corporate security resembled the plot in the book. However, Gelly did help resolve a prominent scheme where a cotton buyer working to fill Sara Lee’s demand for the textile fiber took kickbacks from suppliers. David H. Mauney III was found guilty of conspiracy, mail fraud and money laundering in federal court in Greensboro.
An estimated $1.2 million was involved and the ringleader went to prison for 6.5 years.
Gelly stands on the verge of retirement himself, at which time he plans to fully immerse himself in the continuing adventures of McSpain and Hawke in the other five planned novels in the “Gap series.”
“Next year, when I retire, I won’t be bound by work,” he explained.

This is the first in a series of six “Gap” novels by David Gelly. Others planned for the series include Orchard Gap, Volunteer Gap, Willis Gap, Squirrel Gap and Low Gap. Fancy Gap is available on and comes in paperback for $14.99 plus shipping or $5.99 for a downloadable version. For more, see Gelly’s blog,

Friend C. David Gelly



Review-Sin Incarnate by T.C. Archer

13 Sep

Sin Incarnate by T.C. Archer

Sin Incarnate by T. C. Archer

About the Book – From the Book Description)

Forged in the fires of hell beauty becomes sin incarnate.


Something malevolent grows in Lorna’s soul. When she calls forth a lord of the underworld and begs for irresistible beauty, he asks one simple thing in return; she must serve him as one of the underworld females who tests mortal men…then torture them with her beauty when they fail.



This story has a good premise to it in my opinion.  It has a good flow to the story and you will find yourself following the storyline and you may try and figure what will happen next.   The author(s) were creative with the story and great character development. 


Okay well I have to put this in here.  I liked this story as it had brought in Safe Sex, so it gets high on my list of authors who understand that just because it is a story it should be written the way life should be. 



The following is my opinions and should be taken with a grain of salt.  The bad of this was really nothing other than a couple of typo errors nothing that took away from the story.  I liked the story



Review Rating 

I use three ratings

Read Now: Pick it up now and read.

Put it in the stack: This represents the stack of books you have that are not a priority.

Put on the bookshelf: Every story should be read.  These sit on your bookshelf and sometimes you have nothing in the stack, so you go to the bookshelf and pull it out.  A bad book is better than good tv.

This book receives a READ NOW, which would be the equivalent to 5 star for those who are wondering.  There were too many of the short stories that I thought were very good and needed to be read than to give it a Put it in the Stack. 


Enjoy your day and read as you will have a new story to live in. X

Reviewed by: Xavier Zyta

5 Reasons Why INDIE WRITERS Rock!

11 Sep



1. They have no publishing house-this may seem like a ridiculous idea of why INDIE WRITERS rock but they work even harder because they don’t have a big fat check to sit and write with. They either write to live or they live to write. 

2. Mistakes are made in every industry. With a writer, a writer that is “traditionally” published this is what an editor is for. With an INDIE WRITER you see their mistakes. This makes them human, humble.

3. Approachable. Meanwhile the big names you can’t say hi to on Facebook or get to know what they do day in and day out. An INDIE WRITER will say hello and “Friend” you. They will get to know their readers. They in fact depend on them.

4. An INDIE WRITER inspires us all. If a flunked out English major can write a best seller we all can. 

5. They are constantly improving their craft. With a “traditionally” published author they have editors, publisher and marketers that work with them to continually help them. With an INDIE WRITER you can watch them evolve into a beautiful writer with help from their readers, friends, and others who are in their inner circle. 


Support your INDIE WRITER and download a book today at!

Feature Friday with Author of The Super Spies and The Cat Lady Killer, Lisa Orchard.

7 Sep

Feature Friday with Author of The Super Spies and The Cat Lady Killer

Lisa Orchard.


What would you like everyone to know about you?

I would like everyone to know that I write awesome Young Adult Novels. My goal for my stories is to be entertaining while at the same time teach the young reader some valuable lessons.


What would you like for everyone to know about your book


I would like everyone to know that it’s a story of three teens that play an innocent game of Truth or Dare. The game turns dangerous when they find the dead body of the “Cat Lady”. It’s a suspenseful thriller filled with twists and turns. But it goes much deeper than the average thriller, it delves into the relationships of the three girls and there’s also life lessons embedded in the story.


How did you come up with the idea for your book?


From some of my own exploits as a teen. When I was younger I wanted to be a detective too, much like the main character Sarah. Of course, I never investigated a murder but my friends and I did investigate a case of vandalism in our neighborhood. We never solved the crime, but that summer was one of the best summers of my childhood.


How many cats do you have?


We have two cats, Mickey and Baby


How often do you write and normally what is the setting like (I write with music in the background or some kind of noise)?


I write most mornings. That’s when my sons are most active and play together. Since they’re occupied I’m able to get some writing done. The background noise is usually my kids playing Transformers or Toy Story.  Then in the afternoon I take the kids out for an activity, like the beach or the zoo, anything that’ll keep them away from the TV.

This will be the first year that both boys will be in school full time.  So, I plan on getting a lot of writing done. I’m working on the third Super Spies book and a coming of age Young Adult Novel.


On average, how many times do you reread your books, before sending it for publishing?

Oh…that’s a tough question. I would have to guess at least 5-10 times. And that’s just a guess it’s probably more. I’m always looking for ways to improve my stories, either by making scenes scarier or making my dialogue spicier, that kind of thing.


Which character from your book would you like to partner with as a detective and why?

That’s a tough question, because I like the main character Sarah because she’s so smart and confident in her beliefs but Jackie makes the adventure fun. She’s quite spontaneous. Hmmm…I guess I’ll have to pick Sarah because she is so determined and focused.

How do you think the conversations would go?


I think they would probably go with Sarah coming up with some crazy scheme to find the villain and me being older and wiser (wink) would find flaws with her ideas. J Then there would be a heated debate with her conceding to my point of view…but very reluctantly.   Jackie would be the peacemaker and Lacey would pick my side because she’s not as adventurous as Sarah.


So it is easy to say that if not writing you would like to be a detective?


LOL! Is it that obvious? I love fighting for the underdog, so yeah I guess I would love to be a detective.

What was the hardest part about writing this story?


Hmmm…I would have to say keeping the dialogue consistent. In real life teenagers have a tendency to copy each other. But in a book they can’t because their dialogue is part of their character development. So if Sarah has a favorite phrase, Jackie can’t use it even though in real life she would.


What motivates you to write a story?


Another good question! I would have to say when I come across a particular message that I want to communicate to readers I make up a story that illustrates that message. I try to be entertaining while at the same time, teach something.


Any tips to other authors on writing?


Yes, I would say keep writing and don’t let the rejection letters get you down. Everyone gets them. If I could be so bold as to offer advice to aspiring writers I would say don’t be afraid to ask an agent/publisher what they didn’t like about your manuscript. That’s what I did and I got that golden nugget that I needed to change the no to a yes. 

If you would like to be part of our Feature Friday program contact us at

Ways to connect with Lisa!

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Top 10 Tips for Writers

5 Sep

Do you need help? We have answers! Read below for the top 10 tips for writers.

1. Write what you love. If you love romance then write it. Don’t write about something that you think will sell. This will not sell books people will read your passion.

2. Read out loud. When writing after you have finished for the day read out loud the chapter or the words you have just finished you will find your errors easier.

3. Take breaks. If you feel you are struggling or finding it difficult to finish a paragraph take a break, get outside for some fresh air. Also take breaks from your work it will give you a new look, a new perspective on what you have written.

4. Write, write, write…Write till you can not write any longer then edit. We have found that the most successful writers have written their best selling novels by just writing and not editing themselves automatically. Just continue to write and let the words flow onto the page until you can no longer write.

5. Stay focused. Distractions these days are easy to find. Get rid of your distractions. If you feel your computer is your distraction kick it “old school” and write on paper. 

6. Do your research. Nothing is worse than reading a book about a person or an area and the book is wrong. Research, research and more research. If you don’t know it, don’t write it.

7. Do not listen to anyone. Many writers listen to the fodder of others. Write what is in your heart and write how you know how to write. Write with confidence and vigor. People want to read your voice not someone else.

8. Know your market. After you have finally finished your book and not before figure out who the market really is. There are a lot of great sites out there that can help you with marketing your book and of course Hotlit Books can always help you.

9. Connect with your readers. This is the most simplest form of marketing. They want to know you the person, not just the author. Tell them something about you personally. Be vulnerable. Make yourself available to your readers.

10. Plan. Plan your novel. Do you have a plan? After you have finished writing this novel have you thought about what is next for your characters, if so have you let your readers know?  What type of social media are you using to let readers in on the idea? How long is it going to take? If you are not continuing with the novel what is next? How are you going to let your readers know? Planning is essential for sales also for your sanity.

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Feature Friday with Author of Hot and Spicy, Patricia Macias.

31 Aug

Feature Friday with Author  of Hot & Spicy, Patricia T. Macias


Hot & Spicy.

Okay start off with the basics.

Tell us about yourself?

Hola, I’m Patricia T. Macias. I was born in San Jose, California. I graduated from the University of Phoenix with a dual Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management/Administration. I currently live in Sacramento, California with my husband and children. My family is my pride and joy. I also enjoy spending quality time with family and friends. I do have a day job.

I always dreamed of writing romance novels. I wanted to write since I was in elementary. I loved reading about the romance, the heroes, and lovely ladies.  I love to write after work and on weekends.  All my characters are my new best friends.  I love writing about my new friends’ issues and love life. They’re always talking and living in my mind and dreams.  I am delighted to be achieving my dream.

Author-Patricia T. Macias

Tell us about your book?

Hot & Spicy is my debut novel. The novel is the first novel of a twelve novel series. The novel can be a standalone.  Their stories transpire in the same time frame


Jose Enrique De La Cruz is the eldest and is totally in command of the empire. He doesn’t have time to commit to a chica, not until he meets Jessica Maria Cortez. Jessica rocks his world and unchains his alma (soul).


Jose Enrique De La Cruz, CEO of the De La Cruz, Inc. needs a fiancée in time for the company’s 25th anniversary celebration. La familia is anxious to meet his fiancée, but he doesn’t have one.

His hermana (sister) Patricia agreed to obtain una novia for him. Paty enticed her amiga (friend) to pretend to be his loving fiancée. Jessica Maria Cortez agreed to be his fiancée for two reasons: one, she has always loved him and prays she can make him love her and two, this is  a great opportunity to achieve her dream of working as an interior decorator design manager. In no time at all, Jose Enrique and Jessica find themselves budding up into a relationship with tantalizing ecstasy

Hot & Forbidden is my next novel that will be out in Oct. 2012.   

 My Twist.

Jose Enrique confronts the evil menace from the Mexican Cartel and wars to protect la familia and his amor (love).  The entire family is forced into an ocean of nightmare and chaos

 My favorite question that is mostly consistent is do you have to have it quiet or noisy when you are working on your story?

I do prefer to have my surroundings quiet.   

What do you think has been the best thing to occur to you after starting to write for others to read?

I love it when people truly enjoy my story and want to read more, lol. Several people have commented “I love your story and it’s awesome.”

What book do you think has offered the most influence in your writing?

I love is Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

If you were to be a character in your book, but not as a lead character, who would you like to be and why?  

Oh my, I would love to be Isabella De La Cruz or Patricia Elizabeth De La Cruz. They have strong personalities, extremely intelligent, and are confident women that know what they want. Isabella and Patricia are the two female attorneys in my series. Oh yeah, of course they’re hot, lol. 

If one of your books could be turned into a movie which would you prefer it to be?

Oh my, I want the entire series to be turned into a movie or television series. I believe that the De La Cruz series has all the ingredients to captivate and excite. It has romance, pasión, action, suspense, secretes, taboo, and danger. The stories have the Mexican cartel pressuring la familia to associate. La familia wars the cartel. Each cousin has their own individual love story and heartaches. The stories are in Spanglish. The Mexican culture, traditions and family dynamics are displayed. The story portrays a successful Mexican familia achieving the American dream. Several government agencies assist the De La Cruz familia.

Okay so everyone in the books clothes is only one color what color would that be?


So your book is a romance novel, describe it as if you were ordering it as a drink?

Hot, smooth, red, spicy, delicious, intense

Why did you pick the romance genre to write and what genre besides romance do you like to read?

I decided to write romance genre because I love romance, passion, and happily ever after. I want to write paranormal romance. I enjoy reading romance and paranormal romance stories.

What TV or movie character would describe your leads? 

Harvey Spector is similar to the alpha males in my novels. He portrays the intellect, attitude, confidence, appearance, and will that’s captivating. 

What do you think makes the difference from a book being classified as Romance versus Erotica? 

I believe that a romance novel is based on the emotions and relationships of the characters.  The Erotica novel stories are focused on the sex.

I want to thank you for your interest,

Patricia T. Macias 

Ways to connect with Patricia

Friend Patricia Today!

Patricia’s Blog

Tweet Patricia

If you would like to be part of our “Feature Friday”  program please contact

Review-The Last Train Home and Other Stories by Erin Lawless

29 Aug

The Last Train Home and Other Stories


Erin Lawless


The Last Train Home and Other Stories.

The Last Train Home and Other Stories by Erin Lawless

Erin Lawless

About the Book

This is a short short story book, which is 61 pages of 16 different stories.  The stories offer a variety of artistry in each read. 


The book has some real good stories that draws you into the story.  The author has a very good way of defining the character and story with the use of little words.  If you like to have a small read and on to the next story then this would be a great book to have.  You are able to go from story to story and if you put it down you are able to pick up to a new story. 


The following is my opinions and should be taken with a grain of salt.  The bad of this was that some of the short stories were too short and what I mean they were so good I wanted more of the story


Review Rating 

I use three ratings

Read NOW: Pick it up now and read.

Put it in the stack: This represents the stack of books you have that are not a priority.

Put on the bookshelf: Every story should be read.  These sit on your bookshelf and sometimes you have nothing in the stack, so you go to the bookshelf and pull it out.  A bad book is better than good tv.

This book receives a Read NOW, which would be the equivalent to 5 star for those who are wondering.  There were too many of the short stories that I thought were very good and needed to be read than to give it a Put it in the Stack. 

Enjoy your day and read as you will have a new story to live in. X

Ways to connect with Erin Lawless:

Tweet Erin

Follow Erin’s Blog

If you would like a review please contact Hotlit Books at

The Push is on for our lineup!

28 Aug

We have had an overwhelming response as some of you know to our FEATURED AUTHOR program over these last eight going on nine months now. Do you know why? We are the only non-profit out there that does this for FREE! Yes you read that right-FREE! We have continually worked with all of our authors and supported them hour after hour day in and day out for FREE! Although we would love donations, we don’t ask for them from our authors. 

2013-Going to be a great year!

Our lineup for 2013 is coming along nicely. We have heard from over 20 authors thus far.  Spots are still available for 2013 as we still need confirmation from some of these authors.  We have had some great success with this program but things are changing for this new year. Since we have been assigned a non-profit status we have to cross all our T’s and dot all our I’s so we now have an application. We also have decided to create this application to weed out any authors out there that might not value their time or OURS. We understand that this might seem a bit strange but we take your feature with Hotlit Books very serious and so should YOU! If you would like to be part of our program we expect you to work with us as a team. Which means that you follow our posts and you post as well. You like our page and you tweet about your feature. I know this seems simple, but trust me it obviously isn’t. 

Tweet us too!

If you feel that you would like to be part of this successful program and would like some great PR for your book contact us today at and we will be happy to send you an application. 

If you like what we are doing and feel like you could help in any way financially please feel free to make a donation in any amount at We also offer memberships, which include a link of your choosing and a picture of your choosing (this could be your book cover and or company logo). 

Feature Friday with Author Charlie Daye

24 Aug

Feature Friday with the author of The Gypsy’s Dance, Charlie Daye

The Gypsy’s Dance-Charlie Daye

How did you come up with the idea for your book?

Don’t laugh but I actually came with the idea for Gypsy’s Dance because of an article of clothing in my closet. It’s a belly dancing hip scarf covered in coins. I just thought  – how cool would it be to write a story about a gypsy dancer and Oralia was born.

How often do you write and normally what is the setting like (I write with music in the background or some kind of noise)?

I prefer quiet when I write and tend to write as often as I can. On my days off I usually write for about 8-10 hours.

How many times did you reread your book, before sending it for publishing?

I actually went back and read everything I wrote previously before continuing on with the story to make sure that I still liked what I wrote. It takes longer to write that way but I think it makes for a better story.

If you could sit down with someone from your book who would it be and why?

It would have to be Markus. He’s Niko’s older brother and I am completely infatuated with him.

How do you think the conversation would go?

I could only hope that it would go well. He’s the eldest of the five brothers and is definitely the strong silent type. The way I see him he would be passionate about whatever topic we chose to discuss.

Do you have a similar true life story, as with Tobias and Niko in Gypsy’s Dance fighting over Oralia? Have you caused two men to fight over you?

Ha Ha. I wouldn’t say fighting over me per se… but I have had two men vying for my affections at the same time and as a young… I mean younger woman I enjoyed the game.

What was the hardest part about writing this story?

Trying to keep Oralia faithful to Niko and it had nothing to do with the character it was just me crushing on Markus and wanted him to find his HEA (Happily Ever After). But not to worry, Markus will finally get the girl in book 3!

What motivates you to write a story?

Writing for me is what reading is for most. It’s an escape. Now don’t get me wrong I absolutely love to read. I even have my own personal library started but I like that I create the worlds that draw you in. My motivation is the stories I have to tell and the desire to share them with the world.

On research, The House (a paranormal story) all the reviews I read received great reviews, so how do you think you would deal with a bad review?

I actually have received a couple of not so pleasant reviews and honestly it’s frustrating and painful. People don’t seem to understand that a book is an author’s child so to completely berate the book is like telling a parent their kid is ugly.*Sigh* But you just have to learn to accept that everyone has an opinion and not everyone is going to like the story you  have to tell. Once you’ve accepted that – it really doesn’t matter.

Any tips to other authors on writing?

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, use whatever you have in your life that motivates you and never give up. Writing a book is hard work that takes long days and several months but in the end it’s worth it!

Author-Charlie Daye

What would you like everyone to know about you?

Dean Koontz is my all time favorite author, Walt Disney is my inspiration, my grandfather was the greatest man I ever knew, I have a 70lb American bulldog named TinkerBell, Melissa and Amy (the two characters from my Curse Breaker’s Trilogy) are based on my two best friends, my favorite color is blue, my favorite movie is Practical Magic, I’m half Spanish, I love the paranormal and happily ever afters… and in my books you’ll always get both! I hope you love my books and take a chance on a new indie author!

Friend Charlie

Charlie Daye’s Blog

If you would like to be part of this program please contact us at

3 Days and Counting….

21 Aug

Yes you read that right! We will be officially moved over to this blog in 3 days.

We are really excited about it. We can’t control ourselves. We are jumping up and down!!! (Exclamation points are supposed to show how we are jumping up and down). Well as most of you know over the last nine months (wow I can’t believe it has been that long), we have made a lot of changes. We started with a small site and now going in to our eleventh featured authors, seven reviews, and four feature Friday authors under our belt I think we have done pretty well. 

We are not saying that we want to toot our own horn or anything but that means that we have helped twenty two authors in nine months time. WOW! We ask ourselves everyday what it is that we can do to make things better for our authors. This is where you come in. We would love to hear from you. Tell us what exactly you would like to see from Hotlit Books or is there something we could be doing better? Let us know. We would like to make things GREAT for our authors! That is why we started this organization to begin with. We are in love with the literary arts. 

We would like to take this time to tell all of you who have supported us over the last nine months. Thank you all so much. We appreciate all of you! Without you we wouldn’t be here so thank you!

Stop by our site today and see all of the wonderful things we have been up to! 

Review-Brett Gets Hammered, Author David D. D’Aguanno

20 Aug


Brett Gets Hammered

Brett Gets Hammered by David D. D’Aguanno

About the Book

A story from the Brett Cornell Series of a private detective and a case that he is invited to find out if a murder occurred.  He jumps in and thinks he will bed one of the children of the deceased that hires him to find out if there was a murder  for an inheritance reason.


The story jumps right in with great character development of the lead man who is incorrigible (A conceited ***).  He is so full of himself and believes, in my words, he is the ladies’ man of ladies men It was the first time reading something from the series and also from the author and I enjoyed it very much.

There was a great play with the main character of making others pissed at him and what made me even think he was an arrogant person.  This was great writing and a story that pulled you into the story and being part of what was actually occurring.


The following is my opinions and should be taken with a grain of salt.  I found myself going oh boy this character is too over the top but realized that there are people out there like that so it should not be a real bad thing, just hopefully I never run into someone like this character.  I will say that it was a great read but parts of it, like most good stories, had a point which would have progressed a bit faster.  It was not enough to make me put the book down though.  I am not the grammar or punctuation police, but there were a few errors that even I noticed, but nothing to take away from a great story.

Review Rating 

I use three ratings

Read NOW: Pick it up now and read.

Put it in the stack: This represents the stack of books you have that are not a priority.

Put on the bookshelf: Every story should be read.  These sit on your bookshelf and sometimes you have nothing in the stack, so you go to the bookshelf and pull it out.  A bad book is better than good tv.

This book receives a Read Now, which would be the equivalent to 5 stars, for those who are wondering.  I enjoyed this book and will be on the look for more in the series and will make sure to start at the beginning of the series, even though with this book you do not need to have read earlier stories.

Enjoy your day and read as you will have a new story to live in. X

Reviewed: Xavier Zyta

We are moving to this BLOG…make a note of it!

17 Aug

Moving day….

Moving Day!!!

Well what shall we say? We know that we really haven’t been on our blogger page that long but to be honest with you we really didn’t like the digs. So we packed up our little fingers and started typing over here at WordPress. It seems a better fit as we like the layout and the way the digs are over here.


We will say this, we will still have our past up on our old spot at but as far as our future it will be put up on this blog.


Nothing is worse than a constant frustration of typing and html coding and never quite getting it right. This is the other reason why we moved. So we hope you will find our new blog a better spot for us and we hope you will still support us and of course follow us. You will always be able to find us here and also on our site at


Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend,

Gabriella Deveraux


Hotlit Books

Feature Friday….contd’

17 Aug

Feature Friday with Author of Tears of Crimson Vampire Series.

Michelle Hughes

Give us a little bit about you and how you started writing Vampire Erotica?


All of my vampire books are based off of dreams I’ve had.  I’m not sure I ever intended to write erotica it just happened that those dreams were the ones that fueled my imagination.  Rafe (one of the characters in my book) has been with me in dreams from my early teenage years and he’s pretty persistent about having his stories told.  In these dreams he would take me to other worlds and we would explore many things together, passion being one of them.


You also have Erotic Novella and a BDSM book, so how do you choose which genre you will write your next book in?


I would have to say that the book chooses me.  I know this sounds strange but my dreams have always prompted me to write.  If I dream about a certain situation I have to write about it.  Most of them I would never tell the people I’m closest to about. I don’t know how this works for other authors, but my muse will continue filling my head with dreams until I write them down.


Does the story come first or the character?

Always the character for me.  Being introduced to someone new in my dreamland is always a shock and I vividly feel those emotions of first meeting in those dreams.  Depending on the temperament of the character, I can go through a whole gamut of fear, desire, or pleasure.  With the story it’s like being led through a moving picture and experiencing each situation.  Thankfully I haven’t had nightmares in years, which is why I don’t write horror.


Do you find yourself fighting with what would you do if you were the character or do you more find yourself if you were someone else what would you want to do?


I don’t know if it’s fortunate or not, but since I live out my stories in dreams first I write exactly what I see happening in them.  In essence, I become the character until the book is finished no matter what age they are.  I never fight against myself internally about what my characters do, it’s hard to fight with yourself.


With all that you are involved in what is your writing routine like and how often do you write?


With the latest book 10 Nights, it was absolute insanity.  84,000 words in 14 days and I paid a price for that one.  As many people know I’m a mom of five so any writing that I do has to be done after my crew here has gone to bed.  For me that means no sleep if I get hit by the muse which was continuous for two weeks on this project. I managed 3 hours a day and ended up at the doc with a nice little fever and cold.   I don’t have a schedule, when I’m inspired I write.


As you know, Hotlit Books’ goal is to help authors, so what advice do you offer?


I like to tell my writing friends that I have no idea what works to push a book, so I try everything.  It’s insanity some days, but I will try and push out blog posts for the five blogs I maintain, talk to friends and fans on twitter and facebook, answer the emails, post on Triberr, update my feed140 tweets, stop in at goodreads, and make sure I share all posts with stumbled upon and pinterest.  I also try and share my friends work on facebook and twitter daily. 


What past or present author would you like to collaborate on a book and why?


Charlaine Harris is still my favorite author and I would love to collaborate with her.  As another Southern writer I think we have many of the same little quirks in our writing and while Charlaine keeps her work pg -13 (shocking if you’ve watched True Blood) I would love to add a little more steaminess into her scenes.  She write in a way that always keeps me entertained and I just think it would be fun to see how a book would turn out if we collaborated.  Of course, I would be just as happy to take over writing the True Blood scripts. 


When you write does it have to be quiet, or do you have music playing, TV on etc…?


It depends on the mood I’m in.  There are nights when a little music will help get my creative juices flowing and others when it just annoys and distracts me.  The television on would drive me crazy and I’d probably be ready to throw it through a window if I had to write with it on.  There are enough people talking in my head when I write, I really don’t need anything else going on around me.


Okay I am going to ask a few hard ones now.  So if you had to choose one of your books as your best one, which would it be and why?


After all the edits and rewrites, I would have to say my first Tears of Crimson Book.  I’m not so sure it’s better than the rest, but there is more of me invested if that makes sense?  My soul went into that book and it took me two years to complete it.  That book lifted me out of a great depression and changed my outlook on life, so it will always be my favorite.


In your opinion, do you think that vampires written today are any different than ones written in the days of Bram Stoker?


I think today’s vampires are substantially different, and I see no problem with that.  I loved Dracula, still do, he was such an influence on my writing.  I love all vampires, and will read or watch anything with that theme.  I have no idea what it is that draws me to this beautiful creature but I do know that it pulls me in and makes me wish that they were real.


Today we cannot seem to get away from someone having a criticism. How do you handle criticism for your work?


My first bad review nearly broke me.  When you spend two years writing out a story that engulfs your entire life and have someone stomp on it, it’s heartbreaking.  I cried for hours and then I put on my big girl panties and lifted my chin.  There are going to be people who hate what you do, there is no way around it.  I remember going through my favorite authors and reading every bad review they had and that was what saved my sanity.  In my opinion, if all those wonderful authors I love to read had such terrible reviews, then I had to look at it from the standpoint that maybe I didn’t suck as bad as the reviewer said.  As my granny use to say, there’s an arse for every seat, so I look at it this way, there are readers for every book.


Do you prefer Twilight, Vampire Diaries or True Blood style of Vampire?


I prefer them all.  My favorite from all those shows is EricHe is the yummiest thing since sliced bread and while I will watch or read anything vampire related, he is my heartthrob. From the Twilight series, I was actually a Jacob fan. 


If given the choice would you let a vamp turn you?



I would say you’re a little late buddy, and yes.  Without any second doubts at all, if vampires were real I would definitely be standing in line to be turned.  Eternal life, are you kidding me?  Of course it would be nice to go back about twenty years first.  If you run across any sexy vampires, please send them my way!

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